Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Health Care Assignment

I have now listened to both the Obama speech and the radio show about cancer patients in their 20's.
My Mother constantly updates me on political issues that are happening in the United States. During both of the video's I was reminded of many of the problems that my Mother had informed me about; however, there was some things I was not aware of. With the Obama speech I was very apprehensive to watch the video. I for one am against the Health Care Reform but the videos gave me some insight on how this could be good for the economy. One of my biggest fears that Obama cleared up was that I would not have to change my doctor if the plan was implemented. Another thing that the President cleared up was that illegal aliens will not be given the option for coverage as everyone else.
The second video I listened to was about cancer patients in their 20's that have had difficulties with their insurance agencies. Something I learned about these patients that was unknown to me until the video was that these patients take a longer time to diagnose than other age groups.
The two video's were extremely informative and made me realize I now have a different view on Health Care Reform. I am still not completely for the plan. I was born with a Cleft Lip and Palate and I have some of the best doctor's in the world working on me on a daily basis. The Health Care Reform seems to work well for everyday heath issues and things like treating cancer patients; however, I want to know more about how people like me who will be graduating in May will get the same care as I do now and if and how it will change if it does. So consequently, I am still undecided until more information is let out on how this program will work.

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